Nigeria March 2011
January 13, 2011
Well, here we go again! We (Horizon International Medical Mission) have set a date for Nigeria 2011. We are planning
on leaving on March 17 to come home on the 27th. We will be doing the same thing as last time in Nigeria and as we
did in Haiti after the earthquake; provide free medical care and ministry to the outlying villages.
I'm going to try to keep this page updated on a regular basis leading up to the trip as well as after. Please be in prayer
for finances for the entire team as well as the people we will be ministering to in Nigeria.
More to come soon.... I promise!

February 4, 2011
Okay, soon can be such a  relative term....
Things are shaping up for the trip.

April 10, 2011
So here's the easiest way to do this. Here's the link for the Blog Dusty (my pastor) put up during and after the trip.!/

Here are some pictures
from the trip:
Dr Seuss is alive and well and designing buildings in Imo State, Nigeria!
Those drum sticks are really....sticks!
"Remember me." We heard it everywhere we went.
Me playing my "Geetar" at the High School
Dusty praying for the kids at the high school
Dr. Felix in his exam room/office
"Praaaaaaaaaaaisse The Lord!"
One of the clinic locations